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Our Investment Philosophy

Our investment philosophy is manifold but simple. It is rooted in the three attributes of investing – cost, risk, and performance. When combined, these three attributes strive to create the foundation of a successful, long-term investment philosophy; and we believe this makes our approach to portfolio design and wealth management unique.

Our process begins by ascertaining our clients' specific investment goals: what they hope to accomplish at each stage of their financial life. We don't use a cookie cutter approach; each client's needs are different. We ask clients a range of questions, and their answers help reveal the most appropriate path for them.

When it's time for the investment process to begin, we describe in detail the various investment processes we will use in managing the client's portfolio. These tools, techniques, and strategies employ both traditional and non-traditional methods, and help our clients navigate the upward, as well as the downward, trends in the financial markets.

When constructing an investment portfolio, in addition to asset class diversification, we also employ what I term time diversification – an investment technique that's unique to us and our practice. Time diversification speaks to when to own certain investments, versus what investments to own; it's when to have assets exposed to the markets, as opposed to when not to have assets exposed to the markets. While at first blush this might appear to be simple market timing, it is actually anything but. Market timing (as we know it) is often based on feelings, and driven by emotions, while time diversification is data driven by technical, fundamental, and market analysis.

We also use trend and technical analysis in the ongoing management of our clients' portfolios.

In short: We help individuals, families, and business owners make informed, educated decisions they can feel confident in – now and into the future.
No strategy assures success or protects against loss. Stock investing involves risk including loss of principal.